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Why should you choose organic baby products?

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Why should you choose organic baby products?

The arrival of a new member of your family brings about a lot of changes to your lifestyle and schedule. More than that, the presence of the little bundle of joy in your household makes you rethink a number of decisions. While you might not be investing as much time and effort in figuring out the type of clothes you wear or skin care you use, the scenario changes when it is in the context of your baby. Whether it is the food they are fed, the clothes they wear or the skincare product you use on them, every decision is well-thought-out and meticulously researched. 

Babies are, evidently, sensitive and must be subjected to a new product only after weighing the good against the bad. Most parents, today, are inclining towards a more natural and organic journey for their babies. Organic baby products have changed how babycare was perceived a decade ago, and the change is a positive influence not only for the baby but also the environment as a whole. 

If you are a parent and at some point have stopped to wonder why organic baby products are the way to go, this blog will help you reach a smart and environmentally friendly decision. Read on for more insights. 


Go organic, why? 

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, however, it requires the parents to experience a whole new set of challenges, whether it is hormonal or emotional. Once the tiny tot is in your arms, you always want the best for them and to achieve that, natural organic baby products are the way to go. Here’s why!


  • It’s good for the baby: Babies’ skin is sensitive and their metabolism is a work in progress. To ensure that no harmful substance enters their vicinity, it is essential that parents make a smart and informed decision. Natural organic baby products are, in most cases, the safest best for newborn babies. They have reduced risk of causing any irritability or side-effects. Organic baby clothes that are made from natural fibres like cotton and hemp make the best products. However, before buying, ensure that the fabric is grown organically, devoid of any chemicals or fertilisers. On the other hand, parents can look for ingredients such as Vitamin E, aloe, shea butter, lavender oil, preferably unscented, calendula or other essential oils. The ingredients to watch out for that could be harmful to the baby’s skin are FD&C colours, mineral or petroleum oil, parabens, petrolatum, propylene glycol and artificial fragrance. 
  • It’s good for the environment: The cotton of today is no longer the same as its humble origins. The environment and ecosystem are paying a hefty price due to the increased usage of pesticides and fertilisers to grow cotton crops. Furthermore, it affects the health of communities that work on the crop fields. Promoting and using organic cotton fibre not only benefits you and your baby but also the overall good of society. 
  • It’s pocket-friendly: Organic cotton has a longer life-span than pesticide-ridden cotton fabric, which has a positive impact on the environment as well as your pockets. Buying natural organic baby clothes for your offspring can save you from burning a hole in your pocket while at the same time making a significant contribution to the environment. 

    As parents, the first priority is always to keep your newborn safe and sound. However, if you can do it along with saving the environment, there’s nothing like it. Natural organic baby products are the change that can prove to be the first step towards a better tomorrow for our planet. If you are looking for a brand that caters to your needs, adheres to environmental guidelines and also has some great offers, head to CocoBabyBox and treat your little ones with some amazing organic baby clothes. 

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